Answers & Comments
29 answers & comments added to discussions
Have you ever used a child leash?
I was pregnant with my daughter when we took my son (2 years old) to Disney. The leash was a lifesaver in keeping him from running off into a crowd.
-  6 years ago
What age will you allow your daughter to wear makeup?
Do we consider lipgloss makeup? My 7 year old wears it occasionally, but everything else will wait until Jr. High.
-  6 years ago
At what age did your child start wearing deodorant?
My 10 year old hasn't needed it yet, but I know the day will be coming soon!
-  6 years ago
Do you purchase your child's class picture every year?
We get a small picture package each fall with the class pic, but I draw the line at spring pictures!
-  6 years ago
When do your kids typically do their homework?
I hate to make them do homework right after school, but the evening seems to get away from us if we wait.
-  6 years ago
When to get rid of the pacifier?
While I'd say the best age is 1-2 years; full disclosure - my oldest was nearly 3 when he said goodbye to his.
-  6 years ago
What age did your child stop believing in Santa?
I realize this probably makes me sound like a scrooge, but if I had it to do over again, I'd probably not do the Santa thing.
-  6 years ago
How old were your children when they stopped napping?
My youngest stopped at 18 months. I was devastated!!!
-  6 years ago
What is your go-to form of exercise?
Yoga with Adriene on YouTube keeps me sane!
-  6 years ago