Answers & Comments
78 answers & comments added to discussions
When do you put presents under the Christmas tree?
I used to put gifts out as they were wrapped/arrive, but my kids have no restraint, so now I've started waiting until Christmas Eve!
-  4 years ago
Do you have a rug under your dining table?
No rug and our floor is littered with crumbs and all sort of food! Even my oldest at 7 still seems to spill half of his meal!
-  6 years ago
How much does the tooth fairy give?
I also started leaving gold dollar coins after the first high payout. My son seems happy!
-  6 years ago
Do you wash your kids' new clothes before they wear them?
Every time! I feel like my second son always looks a bit disheveled because he mostly wears his brother's stained stuff...
-  6 years ago
Do you make family New Year's Resolutions?
Use less technology is basically my every day resolution. So far I have failed to implement it, but maybe this is a good time to try again!
-  6 years ago
Does Santa wrap presents?
My husband thinks it's crazy that our 7yo still believes in Santa, but I'm all about keeping the magic as long as possible!
-  6 years ago