Answers & Comments
34 answers & comments added to discussions
Where to buy backpacks that will last?
Vera Bradley backpacks hold up very well. My middle schooler had hers for 3 years without it getting too beat up.
-  3 years ago
At what age did your child start wearing deodorant?
My daughter started needing it when being active around 10 years old and needing it daily around her 11th birthday.
-  6 years ago
How many loads of laundry do you wash per week?
Sometimes it seems like it's all I do! Putting it away is the worst!
-  6 years ago
Do your kids take a daily vitamin?
Lucky! I wish mine were better eaters - my oldest is getting more adventurous with vegetables so there's hope yet :)
-  6 years ago
When to decorate for Halloween?
We wait until October 1 to put up Halloween specific decorations but start putting up fall themed decor in mid September.
-  6 years ago
How did you help a gassy baby get relief?
We did the same years ago...a little bit of everything but Milicon was our #1 go to!
-  6 years ago
Parents, do you dress up for Halloween?
That is so cute! You should post pictures if you do so we can see!
-  6 years ago