Answers & Comments
16 answers & comments added to discussions
What type of baby carrier worked best for you?
I tried to use it but she hated it! We used it once or twice to shop but that was it.
-  6 years ago
Which type of bottle did your baby like best?
We tried so many bottles! But Dr. Browns was, without question, the best bottle on the market!
-  6 years ago
How do you store your family photos?
I prefer to put them in albums and frame them...although it usually takes me awhile to find the time to do it!
-  7 years ago
How much to spend on birthday gift for child's friend?
I usually do the same. But the spending can add up quickly if you get a lot if invites!
-  7 years ago
Moms, did you have pregnancy cravings?
Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! Loved the cold, sweet taste especially during the heartburn stage!
-  7 years ago
What path did you take for baby food?
Gerber! Gerber! Gerber! I did make some baby food at home but most was store bought. Moms, when did you find the time to make the food?
-  7 years ago
Who is watching your little ones during the day?
When she was really little both grandmas were helping. Now she is in daycare and loving it!
-  7 years ago
Who makes the Valentines?
I handle it for now because my daughter is too young to help out with the school cards.
-  7 years ago
Did you enjoy being pregnant?
There were some incredibly stressful moments but overall it was an amazing, happy experience!
-  7 years ago
Did you find out your baby's gender?
It was the most wonderful surprise! I am so happy we didn't know in advance. I will never forget when the doc said, "It's a Girl!"
-  7 years ago